ADVANCE infectious diseases pharmacy through collaboration, research and education and LEAD antimicrobial stewardship to OPTIMIZE the care of patients with infections in every practice setting

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Infectious Diseases Pharmacists Day

The fifth annual Infectious Diseases (ID) Pharmacists Day will be held on Thursday, May 22, 2025. This day recognizes the importance of ID pharmacists and the contributions they make to patient care.

2025 Theme:

"Innovation in ID:

Pharmacists Leading the Way"

Share a Story About an Infectious Diseases Pharmacist

2025 Share Your Story Details will be released Spring 2025 so stay tuned! If you’re new to SYS, check out our 2024 Share Your Story details below.

Here are some key messages to guide your storytelling (not all-inclusive!):

  • Community Collaboration: Illustrate how collaboration with other healthcare professionals, community leaders, or organizations has strengthened antibiotic stewardship efforts. Emphasize the importance of building bridges to foster a united front against infectious diseases.
    • E.g., Utilizing infographics, social media (YouTube/Instagram), podcast, health department collaboration
  • Overcoming Challenges: Discuss challenges you faced in promoting antibiotic stewardship and how you overcame them. Your resilience in the face of obstacles can inspire others to persist in their efforts. 
    • E.g., Overcoming language barriers, improving access to ID-trained PharmDs and providers, access to care/equity, health literacy, demonstrating relatability to patients (underserved or/and vulnerable populations)
  • Patient Impact: Illustrate how your interventions positively affected patients' lives.
    • E.g., Demonstrating relatability to patients (underserved or/and vulnerable populations)
  • Empowerment through Education: Share how you've educated communities on responsible antibiotic use.
    • E.g., Utilizing infographics, social media (YouTube/IG), podcast, healthcare booth at a fair to advocate for stewardship, engagement of students (shadowing/helping/creating materials at flu clinics, health fairs), Health Dept collaboration – collaborating to create radio ads, billboards, etc.

Join a "X (Twitter) Storm" & promote ID Pharmacists Day at your institution!

  • Join the X (Twitter) Storm on Thursday, May 22nd, 2025 from 12-1PM EST to celebrate and spread the word about the fourth annual ID Pharmacists Day! 
    • Some X (Twitter) storm examples:
      • I love being an ID Pharmacist because…
      • Community stewardship means..
      • Click here for "5 Ways Pharmacists can be Antibiotics Aware"
      • I've committed to be an Antibiotic Guardian. You should too!
  • Use the hashtags: #IDPharmacistsDay, #SIDPAdvocacy and tag @SIDPharm
  • Invite others to join in by sharing their stories and favorite manuscripts                                                              including an ID pharmacist! 
  • Post photos of you celebrating ID Pharmacists Day!
  • Promote ID Pharmacists Day at your institution utilizing this flyer: 

Become an advocate!

    • ID Pharmacists promote the proper use of antimicrobials through effective antimicrobial stewardship strategies.
    • ID Pharmacists play an essential role in optimizing drug therapy and are an important component of establishing a successful antimicrobial stewardship practice.
    • Check-out the Antimicrobial Stewardship Advocacy Toolkit from SIDP here
    Below are some ways to become an advocate:

      2024 "Share Your Story" Winners

      ID pharmacists make a huge impact in engaging communities in antibiotic stewardship! #JoinTheAMSFight

      Congratulations to the #IDPharmacistsDay “Share Your Story” Contest Grand Prize Winner, Lauren Biehle!

      Lauren Biehle, PharmD: “The Colorado Antimicrobial Stewardship Endeavor (CASE) is a partnership initiated in 2021 between the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) & Children’s Hospital Colorado to provide mentorship & resources to support priorities for core element implementation in Colorado (CO) hospitals. Infectious diseases physicians and pharmacists provide workshops & consultations in antimicrobial stewardship (AS).

      When reviewing hospital adherence to the core elements, we recognized the importance of additional support in critical access hospitals (CAH). I created an AS needs assessment for all hospitals in CO. Next, I developed a partnership with our State Office of Rural Health (ORH), which supports rural & CAH.

      As the CDPHE Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacy Lead, I developed a curriculum aligned with the findings from the needs assessment in collaboration with CASE & the ORH that we titled the “CASE Collective”. This interactive series promotes peer-to-peer discussion for AS strategies in resource-limited communities. Our partner at the ORH strengthens our efforts through her relationships with the CAH. A challenge in designing this program was acknowledging the broad scope of work among stewards in CAH & the time for participation. However, the response from our CAH when proposing the series was a “resounding yes”!

      Since 2023, 30 rural & CAH have joined in the quarterly sessions of the CASE Collective. In an evaluation of our outreach from a health equity lens, the majority of participating hospitals serve counties that have medium to high social vulnerability. We continue to expand our outreach each year through workshops, consultations, & support to empower our resource-limited settings."

      The “runner up” stories were submitted by Megan Bernabe and Matt Davis.

      Megan Bernabe, PharmD (@germerme): “I collaborated with our county health department and a multidisciplinary team at our institution to determine a process to increase HIV testing and appropriate follow-up in at risk patients seen in our emergency department.”

      Matt Davis, PharmD (@MattDavis138): “Director of ID Pharmacy Services at @IDConnect1, @MattDavis138, turns his passion for antimicrobial stewardship into concrete results, educating communities and boosting rural hospitals' financial well-being while promoting stewardship within their communities.”

      Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists •  PO Box 1488, Warrenville, IL 60555
      Proudly Managed by Affinity Strategies

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