Dear Colleagues,
With the continued growth and successes of SIDP, the Board has recognized that a single position for the Secretary/Treasurer is no longer sufficient. Therefore, in April, the Board voted to separate these positions. In addition to the added support for Society activities, this will also change the board to have an odd number of members. The next step is to revise the bylaws and conduct a vote of the membership to approve this change. If these revised bylaws are approved, the election for the Secretary position would be held with Society elections over the summer and the position would begin with the new board on 11/1/2019. The Secretary and Treasurer would each serve 2 year terms with only one position up for election in any given year.
We invite your comments and feedback on the revised bylaws. In addition to the change in structure, some additional edits have been made for clarity. Everything can be seen in the tracked changes version of the bylaws and in a clean version of the edited bylaws.
All members are welcome to provide comment on the bylaws until Friday June 14th at which time, electronic voting will begin.
Thank you for your membership in SIDP.