ADVANCE infectious diseases pharmacy through collaboration, research and education and LEAD antimicrobial stewardship to OPTIMIZE the care of patients with infections in every practice setting

Draft SIDP Position Statement on Incentives to Support Antimicrobial Drug Development

  • 21 Nov 2023 7:56 PM
    Message # 13282412

    Scientific, regulatory, and economic challenges have contributed to a slow rate of antimicrobial innovation that is outpaced by and insufficient for the urgent public health threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The research and development process is time- and cost-intensive, with a high failure rate and a market that does not support continued investment. The current volume-based model for payment is at odds with antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) principles of responsible use. Compounding this problem, antimicrobials are not valued appropriately for their patient and population health benefits.

    With this in mind, the Policy & Government Affairs (PGA) Committee of SIDP has drafted the following position statement to assist our society in communicating our position on antimicrobial development. 

    Please review the statement attached here, and add any comments in the forum by December 11, 2023.  The PGA Committee and the Board will consider all comments in preparing our final position statement. The final statement will ultimately be posted on our website and used as a guide to promote future discussion and initiatives pertaining to antimicrobial drug development.  

    1 file
    Last modified: 27 Nov 2023 9:32 AM | Melissa Johnson
  • 28 Nov 2023 9:10 AM
    Reply # 13284409 on 13282412
    • Consider being consistent about putting a line of spacing between each numbered paragraph to improve ease of reading
    • Consider being consistent about putting the SIDP call to action (e.g., "SIDP calls for...") at either the beginning or end of each point

    Overall content looks reasonable. 

  • 28 Nov 2023 12:01 PM
    Reply # 13284520 on 13282412

    I love the Open Access section!


    Page 2, section 3
    • “CURE ID lowers the time investment for providers to share case reports and expands access to case report and clinical trial data”
    • CURE ID should be referenced or linked to.   CURE-ID (

      Page 3

    • “Examples include releasing data on LPAD/QIDP application annually, total NTAP incentives paid each fiscal year…”
    • QIDP is not defined before this in the body of the document.
    • NTAP is not defined before this in the body of the document.

    Thank you for doing this.


  • 04 Dec 2023 1:56 PM
    Reply # 13286894 on 13282412

    This looks great! Love the formatting and very easy to read. 

    Only thing I have is that under Pull Incentives, '#5. Subscription payments', the PASTEUR act has a qualifier after its summary with "While this is an essential feature of such a system, patient access, hospital reimbursement, and infectious diseases expertise (including pharmacists and physicians) need to also be addressed for this, or any, bill to have the desired impact. " that I believe undercuts this pull mechanism compared with other options and could be removed!

    PASTEUR bill text: 

    Otherwise looks great! Thank you!

    1 file
  • 05 Dec 2023 7:45 PM
    Reply # 13287525 on 13282412

    I applaud this letter and position statement. I have two points for consideration.

    1. Regulatory pathways and federal policy; section 5 (RWE & clinical trials). The FDA Guidance (Aug 2023) on the use of RWD/RWE can better inform the requirements and processes needed prior to an application for label extensions and how sponsors should prepare databases for regulatory review.

    2. Reforms & Reimbursement, section 4, NTAP.  Having conducted advisory boards on NTAP, one issue hindering utilization of NTAP is that Pharmacy departments, which hold the burden of antibiotic utilization costs, are kept in the dark of hospital NTAP reimbursements. Improved communication of these reimbursements can be improved so that Pharmacy Departments can see the value of tracking and using NTAP in their institutions. Possibly, Pharmacy can work internally in their institutions to better appreciate their support for NTAP programs while also monitoring the impact of newer agents and antimicrobial stewardship on the healthcare of patients. 

  • 06 Dec 2023 11:28 PM
    Reply # 13288104 on 13282412


    It also focus on important points to decrease AMR if applied seriously. 

    - open access journals will help sharing accurate data all over the world. 

    -support clinical trial and use of alternative analyses of clinical trial results, and increased regulatory acceptance of alternative data generation mechanisms

    -Modernization of the “Qualifying Pathogens to update the real need of new antibiotics to cover that spectrum 

    -also considering Value-based pricing of antibiotics  for new and existing antibioticsThese approaches will fully consider the patient as well as societal value of active antibiotics that can serve as the basis of specific payment mechanisms towards this value

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