ADVANCE infectious diseases pharmacy through collaboration, research and education and LEAD antimicrobial stewardship to OPTIMIZE the care of patients with infections in every practice setting

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Become a Trainee Member

Trainee - $25.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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Member Type

  • Non-Voting
Membership Renewal Date
  • January 1st
Membership Criteria
Any student or pharmacist in any of the following programs may participate as a non-voting, Trainee Member:
  • Student in a school of pharmacy or pharmacy degree program with an interest in infectious diseases
  • PhD or post-doctoral program focused on microbiology, infectious diseases, antimicrobial stewardship health outcomes, or other category as approved by the Board
  • PGY1 or PGY2 residency with an interest in infectious diseases
  • Infectious Diseases fellowship
Application Requirements
  • A current curriculum vitae


  • A letter of reference from program director, preceptor, current SIDP member, or professor

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Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists • PO Box 1488, Warrenville, IL 60555
(331) 248-7888
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